Cloudiness and sunshine

2013 - Group exhibition at Cultural Centre of Evosmos edited "Cloudiness and sunshine".

Cloudiness and sunshine

Girl, woman, mother

2012 - Athens. Personal exhibition edited "Girl, woman, mother" (organized and hosted by "Dia Dyo theatre")

Girl, woman, mother

Anaireseis Festival

2012 Group exhibition at Anaireseis Festival in two separate collections. One about city's stories and one about the Indignados movement during 2011

Anaireseis Festival

Mexico memories

2004 Personal exhibition entitled Mexico memories from my heart (organized by Al Andar).

Mexico memories

It is not altitude sickness. It is the feeling to de so close to the sky

2004 Group exhibition with Polidefkis Stathopoulos & Marina Symboulidou (organized by Al Andar). Title: "It is not altitude sickness. It is the feeling to de so close to the sky". Three photographers travel separately to Peru and tell they stories.

It is not altitude sickness...


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My writings on this page have been published (or intended for publication) in newspapers, magazines and various websites. They do not always reflect my personal views but I find them interesting.

Opinions on my blog are personal and do not necessarily reflect those of my employers.